Lessons the Human Immune System Teaches.

What the Immune System Teaches Us about Diversity, Balance, Tolerance, Moderation, and Gentle Transformation The Human Immune System (HuIS) can teach us much about how to best behave. For example, the HuIS has learned the importance of diversity, balance, tolerance,...


The COVID-19 Pandemic—Seeing and Interpreting the Big Picture Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, here is the big picture I see with my eyes, heart, mind, and soul—informed by my clinical experience in both the medical clinic and the social clinic [1]. Most...

Treatment of Severe COVID-19 Illness—Long Version

Treatment of Severe COVID-19 Illness A Pediatric Rheumatologist’s Perspective and Proposed Treatment Protocol “Human experience, which is constantly contradicting theory, is the greatest test of Truth.” Samuel Johnson ABSTRACT: This article offers an approach to...

Critically Examining COVID Data—Long Version

Critically Examining COVID Data Interpreting “COVID Cases,” “COVID Hospitalizations,” and “COVID Deaths” An Exercise in Critical Thinking and Healthy Dialogue On November 10, 2020 CNN reported the following [1]: “After reporting 100,000 new coronavirus infections...