On Competition

Competition (com petere) A fundamental belief among those who promote the Capitalist Economic Model is that “competition” is an essential element for a successful economic system. More specifically, the belief is that “without competition, people and companies will...

Problematic Aspects of Capitalism–Its Malignant Nature

Problematic Aspects of Capitalism When the economic model that is called “capitalism1” is examined in the Social Clinic, it appears (at least to this Social Clinician) to be an unwise and harmful economic model. The premises upon which it is based are deeply flawed,...

The Spectrum of Human Kindness

The Spectrum of Human Kindness and Altruism There is a spectrum regarding the extent to which human beings exhibit kindness. At one end of the spectrum are people who, naturally, behave in an extraordinarily kind and altruistic manner—the altruistic end. At the...

A Most Precious Freedom

The Most Precious Freedom The most precious freedom of all is the freedom that comes from participating in comprehensive public efforts to genuinely look after others; the freedom to enjoy widespread up-regulated expressions of the human capacity for kindness–in...