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A Chronology of the COVID-19 Writings Posted on “Notes From the Social Clinic”

A Chronology of the COVID-19 Writings

Posted on “Notes From the Social Clinic”

Rob Rennebohm, MD

December 19, 202


When reading the COVID-19 writings posted in the “Notes on COVID-19” section of the “Notes From the Social Clinic” website, it is important to know the date on which each writing was completed. This is important because the COVID-19 pandemic has been a dynamic, evolving process, and each writing was written in the context of what was happening (and what I understood) at that particular point in time (the date the writing was completed). Please take that context and the date of the writing into account.

Below is a chronology that lists the writings according to the dates of their completion, the oldest writing listed first and the most recent writing listed last. The reader may click on the title to access a given writing. Below is a link to the website, where all of the writings may be found.

LINK TO WEBSITE: www.notesfromthesocialclinic.org


January 2020: The first recognized case of COVID-19 in the USA was reported on January 20, 2020. On January 31, 2020. President Trump declared the US outbreak a “public health emergency.”

March 11, 2020: The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 to be a “global pandemic.”

March 13, 2020: President Trump declared COVID-19 to be a “national emergency” in the USA.

April 2020: I wrote: Analysis of COVID-19—An Additional Narrative–An Alternative Response–Long Version

April 2, 2020: I wrote: Analysis of COVID-19—Geopolitical Aspects

April 25, 2020: I wrote: Letter to Fauci

May 2020: Analysis of COVID-19–An Additional Narrative; An Alternative Response was published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Pediatrician

July 17, 2020: I posted The Corporate Consortium

Fall, 2020: I studied the COVID PCR test and significance of the Ct value of the PCR test.

December 2020: The Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines were first rolled out.

December 14, 2020: I wrote: The Importance of Knowing the Ct Value at which COVID PCR Tests are Positive—Long Version

January 7, 2021: I wrote: Critically Examining COVID Data—Long Version

January 16, 2021: I wrote: Treatment of Severe COVID Illness

March 11, 2021: I wrote A Middle Narrative

March 27, 2021: I wrote: Interview with the Human Immune System

April 9, 2021: I wrote: COVID—THE BIG PICTURE

April 15, 2021: I wrote: Lessons the Human Immune System Teaches.

April 17, 2021: I wrote: Hypotheses Re New SARS-CoV-2 Strains

April 23, 2021: I wrote: Che the Rebel Chicken

April 28, 2021: I wrote: Marek’s Disease—A Cautionary Tale?

April 28, 2021: I started posting my COVID-19 writings on my website. To introduce the COVID-19 writings, I wrote and posted: INTRODUCTION and SUMMARY

May 2021: I turned to study of the COVID Vaccines

September 4, 2021: I wrote: Vaccine Concerns

September 2021: I wrote: A Call for an Independent International COVID Commission

March 2022: I wrote: An Open Letter to Parents and Pediatricians—Part I

April 16, 2022: Dr. Vanden Bossche and I were interviewed by Dr. Philp McMillan: Video-Interview with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche and Dr. Philip McMillan (This video is posted on the Notes From the Social Clinic website: www.notesfromthesocialclinic.org

April 18, 20122: I was interviewed by Dr. McMillan: Video-Interview with Dr. Philip McMillan (This video is posted on the Notes From the Social Clinic website: www.notesfromthesocialclinic.org

May 12, 2022: I wrote: Open Letter to Parents and Pediatricians—Part II: A Review and Update

July 6, 2022: I wrote: Open Letter to Parents Regarding COVID Vaccination—Part III: Questions to Ask Your Physician

July 29, 2022: I wrote: A Tribute to All the “Quixotes” who have Challenged the COVID Mass Vaccination Campaign

August 6, 2022: Dr. VandenBossche and I wrote: Pediatricians, Internationally, Please Call for an Immediate Halt to the Global Campaign to Vaccinate Children Against COVID

September 6, 2022: I wrote: Open Letter to Parents and Pediatricians—Part V: Let us Forget neither the Art nor the Science of Medicine

September 10, 2022: I wrote: Open Letter to Parents and Pediatricians—Part IV: The Harmful Immunologic Consequences of Vaccinating Children Against COVID

October 10, 2022: I wrote: A Template for Exempting and Protecting Children from COVID Vaccination

October 10, 2022: I wrote: What is the Current State of the COVID Situation?

October 30, 2022: I wrote: How Would Three of Canada’s Greatest Historical Figures Respond to the COVID Situation, If They were Alive today?

November 10, 2022: I wrote: A Summary (for the General Public) and Commentary Regarding the Publication by Dr. Michael Mörz

November 25, 2022: I wrote: What is the Current State of the COVID Pandemic?—Part 2

December 15, 2022: I wrote: Analysis of the Current COVID-19 Situation in China